Subhash Rai: Journalist from India

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

Archive for the ‘COVID-19’ tag

Vaccines have reduced efficacy against the Delta Variant: WHO

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The Delta variant has been a “variant of concern” for WHO perspective, but is sounding increasingly like a variant of great concern for a lay-person. The latest news is that vaccines have reduced efficacy against the Delta Variant. While there might be a silver lining here, with “the UN health body’s expert “saying “that the vaccines are still effective at preventing severe disease and death,” we must also take cognisance of the fact that the emergence of a “constellation of mutations” is real.

India celebrated vaccinating as many as 8.6 million doses yesterday, and hopefully the pace will increase and the ratio “20 per 100 people” vaccinated will look a lot, lot better than that.

Meanwhile the Congress Party has released a 150-page White Paper on the Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic (a PDF of the executive summary), with a foreword by party president Sonia Gandhi. The contents page itself is indicative of the tone and tenor of the document. The one chapter dwells on “Early Inaction”, while another talks about the “Hubris and Political Avarice”. The document also talks about how “signs and science was ignored. It also talks about the “Unforgivable Negligence”, but ends encouragingly with a “Way Ahead.”

Written by Subhash Rai

June 22nd, 2021 at 12:27 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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